Samsung Galaxy S10 has in-display fingerprint sensor. - Tech2hit

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Monday, January 21, 2019

Samsung Galaxy S10 has in-display fingerprint sensor.

From last two years we have heard rumors about Samsung will use in-display fingerprint scanner in their smart phones. As per rumors first guess was galaxy S8, then galaxy S9 and then galaxy note 9 which released recently. None of the above had an in-display fingerprint sensor. The one plus is the first smart phone released with an in-display fingerprint scanner.

On Samsung pay app we found reference in coding to an in-display fingerprint sensor. The coding of Samsung pay app directly mentioned the galaxy S10 code name in the window of online payment with fingerprint sensors. The second reference is from online pay main boss fragment class. In this coding Samsung pay up app is checking whether device has an in-display fingerprint scanner or not. If it has an in-display fingerprint sensor then it will shift the payment flow window a bit higher up to make more space at bottom.
The Samsung galaxy S10 series will be announced before March so keep an eye on our website to stay updated.

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